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philip's blog

Health tips,guide & products

Heartburn Causes, Effects And Prevention

By philipjoseph at 2009-10-30 04:08:33
Most people have stomach acid reflux at some time in their lives, either as heartburn or acid regurgitation. When refluxed stomach acid touches the lining of the esophagus, it causes a burning sensation in the chest or throat called heartburn. The burning, pressure, or pain of heartburn can last as long as 2 hours and is often worse after eating.

Almost everyone gets heartburn sometimes, but persistent heartburn or chronic heartburn may be cause for concern. What works best to treat heartburn depends on what foods or other factors may be causing the heartburn. Anyone who suffers from persistent heartburn, typically defined as heartburn symptoms experienced two or three times per week, should have their symptoms evaluated by their physician. Even people who experience symptoms only once a week may feel that they have persistent heartburn.

Tomatoes and citrus fruits are foods that cause heartburn in some people. These highly acidic foods can lead to excess stomach acid and may cause heartburn. The causes of heartburn vary from individual to individual. Some people are not bothered by tomatoes or oranges, but may be bothered by fried or spicy foods. It is sometimes necessary to keep a food diary to isolate the foods that cause heartburn in your own diet.

The typical American diet includes many foods that may cause heartburn. Fried foods, spicy foods and fats of all kinds can lead to heartburn. The tendency to eat two or three large meals as opposed to several smaller meals throughout the day probably causes a lot of cases of heartburn. Symptoms often follow large meals and lead to the need for antacids or heartburn herbal remedies. Eating a small meal every couple of hours may not only be what helps with heartburn, but what helps one lose extra pounds. Overweight people experience heartburn more often than those who are at their ideal weight.

Stress, smoking, drinking alcoholic or carbonated beverages and even certain types of exercise are all heartburn causes and treatments of heartburn that are effective often include efforts to reduce stress and smoking; drinking more water, less sodas and beer. While moderate regular exercise is helpful, squatting, bending and running can bring on or worsen heartburn. Any exercise, other than a leisurely stroll, that follows a meal, particularly a large one, will often bring on heartburn.

Efforts to reduce stress, eating in a relaxed environment, chewing slowly may all help prevent heartburn. Eating on the run is one of the leading causes of heartburn. It is next to impossible to avoid everything that may cause heartburn all the time, but it is possible to quit smoking, eat smaller meals, get regular exercise and avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages. Anyone who experiences heartburn two or three times per week should have their symptoms evaluated by a physician. The best treatment for heartburn may be a prescription drug, but should include lifestyle changes and efforts to avoid the leading causes of heartburn, as well.

Some companies that sell herbs and other natural products have concoctions that include a combination of herbs for frequent heartburn prevention as well as heartburn relief. A combination of herbs for heartburn relief may be more effective than just one type of herb. Fennel and mint oils are commonly recommended, but some doctors advise that mint of any kind can bring on heartburn. Whenever you are buying herbs and other natural products, you should choose an established company that sells a number of different products, not just herbs for heartburn relief.

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